Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Hiking in Teton Valley

So on my days off when I don't drive down to Utah I have been trying to explore this area a little bit better and on my 2 days off my neighbor was kind enough to take me hiking with her to show me somoe beautiful spots that are just a short drive away...and I mean literally a short drive away maybe 10 miles at the most. It was so gorgeous I can't wait to bring Jesse up here and show him these areas its definitely going to be a nice change in scenary compared to the hot desert he's living in now. I think the high has been 120 so far and its just supposed to get hotter...thankfully they have AC in there rooms. But the hikes were fantastic we did a total of 14 miles both days, needless to say both Dre and I were sore the next couple of days, but it was well worth it I can't wait for this Monday 1 of the massage therapist is going to take me into Yellowstone and show me around she's lived here for 5 years so she'll be able to show me all the places that the tourist don't know about, I'll def post some good pictures of that up.

Me & my hiking buddy...he's good protection from the bears & other forest animals, plus he doesn't make fun of my singing =)

My calandar picture perfect dog..i'm not a proud mama or anything ;)

The tetons...this isn't a very good picture i can't wait to go to yellowstone this weekend and get better pics.

Wild flowers here are so beautiful

With all the snow melting this was just 1 of the MANY waterfalls I saw in the canyon, it was gorgeous!

Butterflies were everywhere it was so pretty.

Dre & his hunting buddy- Barney is teaching him all sorts of things, its so cute

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