Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Interesting To Really See People For Who They Are

It truly amazes me that people are so incredibly fake! I am the type of person to really watch people and their mannerisms. I find it quiet interesting that people change and act differently depending on who's around them. I know I fall guilty to this on occassion but I also understand that in certain situations it's ok to act goofy and weird then in others where it would completely inappropriate. The people I'm talking about are those that can't face being themselves with their husbands, friends, or co-workers.

For me the co-worker part is what has recently got me all rialed up. I feel that in order to have a good working relationship with individuals there needs to be open and honest communication. Not any of this "lets close the door and whisper about the person or gossip." This happened to me recently and it was such a big slap in the face, I honestly felt so offended because I didn't feel like there was any open communication on the situation. Because of this I now feel like I have no place being socially friendly with this person or her "clic". I am going to respect her as my supervisor and fix the problem but by no means do I have to remain friends with them.

Now is the part where I hear people saying well doesn't she know the difference between work and being friends. I do and I was VERY respectful of her position as my supervisor and her choices even though I think they are full of shit and are way too involved (aka micromanaging). Despite how I feel about it I always did what she needed and completed my job duties in a timely manner. I would then switch it off and listen to her about her personal issues and try to help give her some advice. If I had a problem with her I would go and tell her straight to her face not dick around a corner and ask others what to do. I feel like with this lack of communication she is the one that doesn't understand the difference. She handed me a write up and then expected me to sit around and discuss how I felt like I was her friend...I'm sorry I didn't even know my actions where to that point. No warning! Her delivery was very poor and could have made this whole situation better.

So I am NO longer going to put up with this bullshit of a manager that I have because she is no manager, she is a damn good employee and knows how to do her paperwork well but when it comes to managing people she could use a lot of improvement.

So with this being my last straw...Jesse and I are doing what we can to make it where I can finally be a stay at home mom and continue to work on my blog. I was going to stick around and give her the respect of trying to train a new person so she wouldn't be short handed but I feel there was no respect or thought given in regards to my postion and room to improve. Which to me is very offensive so I am now done. I'm not an idiot and if you clearly communicated with me how much it bothered you or what a problem it was then I wouldn't have to be writing this. I will be thrilled when I can put in my 2 weeks and start planning on what I can do to improve not only my life but my families as well instead of wasting my time at a job where I feel like I'm wasting my talent. I know that sounds so pre-madonna but it's true I have more experience dealing with people and customer service then most of the people around me. I hate having to be under someone who has no managerial experience what so ever. Ugh! Ok I'm going to end my rant so I can continue with my day accomplishing things slowly preparing for me to leave.

1 comment:

Melissa Hatch said...

Good for you Girl!There's a lot of people like that here... I bet you feel better now that you've said all that! :) I'm so glad that you get to be a stay at home mommy soon and get to love,snuggle,cuddle that little boy of yours!! Yay Melissa is back to the blogging world! finally!! I actually gave you the wrong email addy when you told us that you were going private... instead of's actually I'd love to be updated on your life and watch that little boy grow!