Monday, August 8, 2011

Learning Lessons with Bad Experiences

I know I should be thinking on the positive side of this but I am so ready to be done working this week is already lasting too long. I'm beyond excited to leave a work enviornment where I don't feel like I can truly relax and be myself because who knows if I'll get in trouble for it one day and the next have it treated like nothing. I swear, somedays I feel like the corporate end of this company is full of indecisive idiots who all think they know what's best for this company. The worst part is they don't communicate with each other and just assume that everyone has heard or just knows about the ridiculous!

My dad shared some great advice for me on Saturday as I was expressing some of my frustration. He told me that a long time ago someone told him,

"You can learn something from each manager, wether it is something that you learn NOT to do or something you'd like to do. Either way what you learn you will take and turn it into your own unique managing style."

This was just what I needed to hear because I truly was frustrated and kept focusing on her negative traits I realized I needed to focus more on the positive of what I could learn. I also got help with this issue after being in a meeting Friday learning about how to encourage positive work environments and what a leader is. I realized that my manager has the skills to push the paperwork and to meet with students and so forth but she does not have the skills to manage people (there's a big difference). This has opened my eyes and has given me a chance to step into her feet and see it from her point of view. Which is difficult for me because I am the complete opposite. I have the skills to manage people but I don't put pushing paperwork as a top priority. Now that I have this new perspective on the situation I now know that I can take her dedication to her job and how she deals with the paperwork with me as a positive manager trait instead of focusing all on the negative. I've also learned key actions for me not to do if I want to incorporate delegation and following-up with requests. I feel that despite my "know it all" attitude (which definitely can hinder me at times)I'm glad that I'm able to leave this job on good terms and to leave with a great learning experience to help improve my management skills.

I just have to remember :

"In order to change my life in a positive manner, I need to start by changing my perspective and thinking more positive."

Sunday, August 7, 2011


OMG! Marriage is a wonderful thing...sometimes. I swear I get so frustrated somedays and I just need some time. I feel bad for feeling like this because I remember the feeling of not having my husband here and the possibility that he wouldn't ever be here again. That was so terrifying and depressing that now every day I get to spend with him is a blessing and I try my hardest to appreciate all the time we have together. Like I said just somedays I really could use my space. Space away from him and from my baby, it'd be as simple as just letting me sleep in for 30 mins. BUT that is even just something that isnt taken into consideration because they wanted to get up and go...UGH! Doesn't he understand that I only get 1 day to sleep in if that because the rest of the time I'm trying to be super mom, wife, and career woman. Doing everything like that somedays, I just need a break or some rest where I don't have to do anything but just chill. I don't want to get lazy when I stop working so I'm hoping to keep the same schedule so I'm really hoping one of these days he'll understand that Sundays are my day to sleep in. UGH! So glad I got this off my chest.