Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Tampa Bay Trip Sept. 2007

Check out the pictures from Jesse's Birthday weekend. We had such a blast we celebrated for 3 days straight. First his family sent us some cardne a sada this mexican meat, it is the best! So we had a bbq with some friends. The next day was the real present 2 tickets to a Pro-Football game neither one of us had ever been so we decided to go before he leaves...it was so cool, there was so much good energy at the game...it helped that the home team was winning but everyone was into the game it was awesome. Then we went and ate dinner at this really nice restaurant over looking the Tampa Bay it was so pretty to see the sunset over the water. The next morning we woke up early and headed to Bush Gardens we spent the whole day there from open to close it was so much fun riding the roller coasters and being able to see all these wild animals, by the end of the day I was so tired I felt so bad because I slept for the majority of the trip home...i was a bad travel buddy and poor jesse had to be to work the next day at 6:00 am. But I know that he didn't care he said that he really enjoyed his whole birthday weekend which is what I was hoping for...I hope for his next one he'll be able to enjoy it just as much!

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