Tuesday, January 20, 2009

So many things

So you could only imagine that getting prepared for a road trip like this that there is SO much planning and lists that need to be done and made. The planning has gone pretty good and will only get more in depth once Jesse's out of the Army he'll be able to really sit down and map out a good route for us. Which leaves us to the list of things for us to get to make sure that we are taken care of. I won't lie its a little overwhelming because I feel like its going to sneak up and we're not going to have enough time to get it all prepared like we wanted it to be. I just need to take it step by step first we need our passports (which will be done by the end of this week) and extra truck parts and tools to fix it. 2nd comes all the upgrades to the truck in order to make sure our truck lasts the 20,000 miles that we're going without standing us some where in Central America. 3rd we need to plan things out financially and figure out the best way to accomplish this trip of our on the budget we have left after getting the parts and upgrades.

I think the fun part about all of this is going to be planning where we're going to visit and stay each night. There are SO many wonderful places to see and to do while we're down there its going to be difficult to see all of them but I'm hoping we can get to at least our top 20 destination sights.

I can't believe I'm going to have a passport soon I know its a little childish on my part but I'm pretty excited to get one I feel like ill have more opportunities now to travel the world.

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